
Remember Last, Reminder Next

LaxtTime is a easy-to-use tracking app that remembers the last time things happened. It not only has a recording function, but also powerful statistical features to help you discover activity trends in your life.

LaxtTime remembers the last time you did anything.

Remember Anything

LaxtTime remembers the last time anything happened for you, so you don't have to worry about it anymore

Powerful Statistics

Want to see the number of records and check-in times from last week, this month, or this year? LaxtTime has it all organized for you.

Practical Schedule Management

LaxtTime offers weekly and monthly schedule management, allowing you to clearly see your TODOs and completed tasks.

Widget Support

Track your activities and check-in anytime, anywhere with Widgets.

Upcoming Features

iCloud sync, data export, and Shortcuts support...


The developer will maintain LaxtTime long-term and update it based on community feedback.

Start using LaxtTime to track your life

Anything you want to remember, LaxtTime will help you.